Our expertise and issue areas
Climate impacts on cultural & natural heritage
We bring deep knowledge and expert networks in climate science, tangible & intangible cultural heritage, biodiversity conservation & site management in the face of climate change.
World Heritage & climate
We are thought leaders & pioneers in understanding, addressing & communicating the implications of climate threats to World Heritage properties, including through implementation of World Heritage climate policy, & site management responses.
Public speaking & strategic communications
We are available to speak about all aspects of cultural heritage in a changing climate. Presentations have included UNESCO, IPCC, New Jersey Preservation Fund, University of Pennsylvania, Tufts University, the Sorbonne, ICCROM, ICAHM & WHITRAP.
Climate vulnerability assessment
We contribute to organizing, undertaking & reviewing climate vulnerability assessments of natural & cultural sites, including through facilitating community participation.
Convening experts
We can organize & contribute to expert convenings & workshops to address issues such as climate impacts, resilience strategies, & non-economic loss & damage. We also can plan expert site visits & field-based workshops.
Indigenous Knowledge inclusion
We work to support the ethical inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge in parallel with Western science in climate response & resilience strategies, & its full recognition in climate forums including the World Heritage Committee, the IPCC & the UNFCCC.
Research & writing
We lead & contribute to research & writing projects focusing on heritage impacts & responses to climate change. We have a track-record of producing everything from public fact-sheets & blogs, to technical reports & peer-reviewed articles, including for UNESCO, UNEP, IUCN & ICOMOS.
Non-economic loss & damage (NELD)
We are actively involved in international efforts to better understand & account for non-economic loss & damage associated with tangible & intangible cultural heritage, including in the Global South.
Project planning & development
We bring inter-disciplinary teams & partners together to lead & coordinate climate & heritage projects from conception to implementation.