Bringing climate science and heritage expertise together to preserve and protect natural and cultural heritage

Climate change is the fastest growing threat to natural and cultural heritage globally. Working together we can minimize the risks.

We provide strategic advice, as well as practical and policy expertise to understand climate risks, adapt to change, and increase resilience.

Climate policy & strategy

We work at the nexus of climate and cultural heritage policies in the US and internationally, including Paris Agreement implementation, the World Heritage Convention and protected areas and site management.

Expert workshops & panels

We have three decades of experience convening experts to address climate impacts and solutions for natural and cultural heritage. Our international network of collaborators is deep and diverse.

Speaking events & presentations

We highlight the connections between climate change and heritage management in keynotes and tailored presentations to audiences of professionals, experts, scientists and policymakers.

Research & writing

We develop, lead and contribute to research and writing projects focusing on effective heritage sector responses to climate change and its impacts, including non-economic loss and damage.